Hello World

Welcome to my blog! My name is Alexander Zhang and this is my very first post.

What happened before the birth of this website

For a long period of time, I recorded my thoughts on Zhihu and local word files on my computer. However, I found it hard to manage and review my records and I really hope to share some of the ideas to other people. So, eventually, I made up my mind to build up this blog to record my thoughts.

I have been considering building my own blog since 2022, but my lack of related knowledge prevented me from taking actions. Today, July 26th, 2023, I am happy to announce an official end of my sophomore year, which could also be considered as end of my bachelor life considering I have almost gathered all the course credits needed for graduation. A more reasonable date should be 9th July, but not until today have I finished all the short-term required missions (a TOEFL test is to blame for the delay). As a reward of finishing all these missions, I finally decide to sit down and build up my own blog by following a tutorial on Zhihu. Anyway, here it is!

What is this blog mainly about

Generally speaking, it's about thoughts and knowledge. Thoughts refer to philosophical thinkings and ideas gained from daily experiences. Knowledge is mainly about physics, which is my major.

How this blog is going to work

I plan to use both Chinese and English to write blogs. Chinese for thoughts and English for knowledge. This result from the fact that, as a native Chinese speaker, it would be easier for me to express my emotions and thoughts precisely using Chinese. And I usually learn knowledge through English in the university.


For a long time, I have been a great fan of Existentialism and I decided to use the term "Dasein" as the name of my blog, which is frequently used by Heidegger to denote humans. It looks to me as a term refering to a person who would like to think, to reflect on his life and try to look for a meaning of it and live a better life. For me, this is the most important reason why I would like to write blogs and I hope the readers are also this kind of people. By calling you Dasein, I shows my respect to you and express my pleasure in meeting you.

Hello World
Alexander Zhang
Posted on
July 26, 2023
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